Saturday, December 26, 2020

27 Grams


27 Grams

    There is one question that neither science nor man truly has an answer for and that is what happens when we die. No matter who you are, what you have, or what you have done, there is only one thing that leaves this earth when we die and is unaccounted for and that is 27 grams. No matter the intellect, size, or shape of the human being, for all of us that is what is leaving. Whether you want to call it an energy, soul, spark of life, no one really knows what it is and it cannot be seen by the human eye. Yet most religions tend to have a theory on where it goes but no one has ever been back to tell the story. Religion has created, over the years, their concept of heaven and hell. Giving us fear and guilt over what we do in this life and having to follow strict guidelines in order to attain heaven. For some, there is the comfort of thinking that there is a better place to go after death and a fear of hell that keeps them on the straight and narrow. All the good you've done and being a loyal servant to your religion and god gets you on the golden streets. With that comes a sense of moral superiority and power from the ones pushing it on you and a way to turn free thinking into control. And a sense of superiority for the individual thinking that anyone else in any other religion is wrong and hell awaits if you do not follow their beliefs. Yet we can trace back the origins of this concept of heaven and hell back to when the Jewish people were in Babylon and met the tribe who practiced Zoroastrianism. Their beliefs and practices state that heaven and hell is something that lives inside your mind. A battle of good and evil daily and the way to defeat it, through good thoughts, words, and deeds. With these teachings, years of being passed down, and rewritten, and people needing an explanation for the afterlife. Priests and governments alike now had an explanation for the afterlife and a way to control the people through fear and condemnation. Now granted there are certain things that we can take from all religions and use them to be better people. But using anything to put fear into people and use it as a controlling mechanism, same as government, media, and most major corporations do is a strict violation of our free will. Yet the patterns continue. Whether it be with religion, government, or media they all more times than not, are controlling and fear-based to keep us in line, wanting comfort and stability and not thinking for ourselves. Not to mention the division both government and religion cause among us. Instead of everyone finding some common ground, respect, humanity, common sense, and wisdom, we stay divided and at odds. All this in the search of where does the 27 grams go when we die. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Against The Wall


Against The Wall

    It's amazing what you can accomplish when your back is against the wall and you have no choice but to accomplish the goals and tasks set in front of you. When the money is low ad the bills are stacking up or a deadline that was set for you is fastly approaching. You'll find ways and possibilities you would never under normal circumstances to accomplish a goal or too just plain survive another day. These times allow our minds to become very creative and fear goes out the window, in all because there is no other option but to make it and survive. When you're out of your comfort zone and money and time are at odds against you. The human mind does what it does best, finds a way to survive and keep going. There is another half to this battle though and that is knowing what your goals are, setting them, and following through with them. Setting the fear and doubt aside and going after it with daily persistence and never giving up. There are days where it seems the whole world is against you and thinking no one wants to see you succeed. In reality, it is a battle against your own mind and the solution is just getting out of your own way. Your mind is designed to protect you from anything that is uncomfortable and or appears to be dangerous. So essentially, self-doubt is your mind trying to keep you safe and in your comfort zone. It's a hard fight, but one that is worth the struggle to overcome and make something of yourself, bettering yourself. Go after everything knowing that success and failure play hand in hand and both will have their lessons to offer. It will all help you grow and learn, gain wisdom and knowledge. The trick is not to forget the lessons these trials have taught you, if you do your bound to make the same mistakes again. On your death bed, regret will be the worst pain. 

-Eric Val

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Art Of Balance

 The Art Of Balance

There is an art of balance in this life and many times can be hard to find. Having one soul passion and goal may sometimes just not be enough. When just focused on just one goal and task it can be become stagnate, then it is right back to square one. There are many avenues to go down that will provide a release from the anger, depression, pain, confusion that we all feel at one point or another. Whether it be art, music, fighting, writing, adrenaline junkie. It's all a way to relieve the pain for a minute, get peace for a moment, and finding perspective through the task. But in reality, all that we do to overcome these feelings only lasts so long. It always comes back around. A never-ending battle, that you yourself will have to accept and deal with your entire life. But once you understand it, know that it is a part of you and can be controlled by you and only you. Then use it as fuel to be creative and channel it all into something beautiful or even better, something that can inspire others and help them. Then your pain has meaning. We all think at one point or another that we are alone in this life. This is only happening to me, no one else understands, there is no connection. Well, I would like to venture a guess that is a wrong statement. We all have our tragedies and pain and on different levels. But there is always someone who is going through something similar or who has it worse. In reality, it's all on you to fix it, no one else can do it for you. The people around you can advise you, help you where they can but at the end of the day it's your fight, and getting up is up to you. So how will you find your balance in this life? What avenues will you try, fail and succeed from to not only relieve the and anger and pain but find clarity, a moment of peace, perspective, and above all a connection and maybe some inspiration to the people around you?

-Eric Val

Eric Val-Your Demise

Saying Goodbye by Eric Val

Eric Val-Granddad's Lessons (Lyric Video Official)

Eric Val-Slow Decline