There is an art of balance in this life and many times can be hard to find. Having one soul passion and goal may sometimes just not be enough. When just focused on just one goal and task it can be become stagnate, then it is right back to square one. There are many avenues to go down that will provide a release from the anger, depression, pain, confusion that we all feel at one point or another. Whether it be art, music, fighting, writing, adrenaline junkie. It's all a way to relieve the pain for a minute, get peace for a moment, and finding perspective through the task. But in reality, all that we do to overcome these feelings only lasts so long. It always comes back around. A never-ending battle, that you yourself will have to accept and deal with your entire life. But once you understand it, know that it is a part of you and can be controlled by you and only you. Then use it as fuel to be creative and channel it all into something beautiful or even better, something that can inspire others and help them. Then your pain has meaning. We all think at one point or another that we are alone in this life. This is only happening to me, no one else understands, there is no connection. Well, I would like to venture a guess that is a wrong statement. We all have our tragedies and pain and on different levels. But there is always someone who is going through something similar or who has it worse. In reality, it's all on you to fix it, no one else can do it for you. The people around you can advise you, help you where they can but at the end of the day it's your fight, and getting up is up to you. So how will you find your balance in this life? What avenues will you try, fail and succeed from to not only relieve the and anger and pain but find clarity, a moment of peace, perspective, and above all a connection and maybe some inspiration to the people around you?
-Eric Val
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