Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Opinions Of Others

Opinions Of Others

Throughout your path in life there will be many opinions given to you on what you're doing, how you're doing it and why you're doing it. The truth is it's good to listen to what other people have to say about your journey, and you may just learn something and avoid a few pitfalls and a few headaches. On the other hand, if you are going down a path that no one has ever been down before, and trying something that no one has ever attempted. It may be better to take those opinions with a grain of salt and a shot of penicillin and continue on boldly with your focus and goal in mind. Even then it may be wise to listen to what they have to say and take some of the wisdom and lessons they have to offer and disregard the rest. The truth is people are fearful of what is different, what they don't understand and definitely fearful of the unknown. It's just how most human beings are wired but it does not have to stop you from pursing what you love and are passionate about. Human beings in general are fearful of new information that goes against what they know or have been taught, whether it be religious, science, or just common knowledge. It takes time for new knowledge or facts to be accepted as truth to the general population. Nothing that is new and exciting, bold and different, or goes against the grain will be accepted overnight, it's just a simple fact of human nature. It takes time. Most people are generally close minded and unwilling to change or stand out from the crowd. They fear taking the risk of being considered an outcast. Generally everyone just wants to fit in, whether it be with someone, somewhere, or some group, and feel loved and welcomed. Anything that threatens  being rejected or cast out, people tend to shy away from. Hence, I myself tip my hat to the bold, the originals, and the trail blazers. People who do what they love, what they think is right, what they know is right, or whatever passion moves them down their path. They go boldly into uncharted territories, knowing it may never amount to anything, and may receive a lot of resistance along the way, but do it anyway. They have fear, they have doubt, but rise above it and go forth knowing this. Life is entirely too short to follow the pack!

Eric Val




Society 6 (Merch):




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