There is one thing in this life that we can neither get back, buy or sell, and once it's gone, it's gone forever and that is time.
An old friend gave me the best piece of advice that I have ever gotten and that is never waste a moment of the day. Use it all to accomplish something. Never have truer words been spoken. Time goes quickly, especially the older you get.
If you would like a great theory of this read Einsteins theory of relativity, it would shed a lot of light unto this subject. I myself am just as guilty as anyone else in wasting time, the only difference may be that I feel guilty afterwords for doing so. I am always trying to be productive and use every minute of the day to my advantage. But we all get tired, we all need a moment of relaxation and decompression. It's human nature and the jobs and tasks we have to do to survive tend to wear us down and force us to the couch far longer then we should be there. That's OK sometimes, we need that break to let the body and mind come back to center through whatever space we need. Whether it be meditation, watching TV, having a drink or just laying down and taking a nap, it's a necessary escape.
Too many of us though, let it become a big part of our lives and it overcomes us. We tend to forget that we only have so much time on this earth to experience all that life has to offer, or in other words balance.
Balance in this life is a hard thing to find and maintain, but not impossible. It is just a constant theory of checks and balances of what you love and what you want from this life and to not waste time when you find it. There is another aspect of time and balance that I and others are guilty of and that is trying to force something to work rather then letting it happen. There is a time and place for everything and many times we try to force it in this right here, right now world. I believe that sometimes you need to let things happen rather then force them. It may seem contradictory to not wasting time but balance could be put in this as well.
There is another aspect of not wasting time and balance of life and that is enjoying your time on this earth. Finding love and passion in who you are and what you do. I am just as guilty of this as well. Becoming so driven that you don't take the time to enjoy life, appreciate all you've worked for. and all the people who love and care about you. It's an easy thing to do. Especially in a fast paced society, and a driven mind, enjoyment and reflection tend to be forgotten.
In conclusion, there are three things to keep in mind: enjoying life, not wasting time, and finding the balance in all things. In other words, finding balance in enjoying life and not wasting time, whichever your conundrum.
Eric Val
Society 6:
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