Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year, New Me, Why Wait?

New Year, New Me, Why Wait?

Why does everyone wait until January 1st to start changing themselves for the better? To set goals, to start working out, or to make a major change? It's never made much sense to me. Why waste all that time waiting on that day? Get started the moment you feel inspired and never stop. The thing about all this is people get discouraged quickly, they expect instant results. Life never works that way, everything worth having takes time, effort, setbacks, failures and learning. With that comes great appreciation for what you have accomplished and a very low chance of taking it for granted. Think about it, when someone just gives you something you tend to not appreciate it for the simple reason that you didn't earn it. You did not put the time, effort, knowledge and or passion into achieving this, so you have no reason to appreciate it. Right? Yet we know all this and still give up so easy on what we set out to do once it gets too hard or failure presents itself. It all boils down to you and what you are prepared to go through to achieve what you want and have a true appreciation for it in the end.

Eric Val




Society 6:




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